It has been observed all over the world that the caregivers are emotionally tired looking after their Shubharthis. This emotional fatigue is much higher when the Shubharthi is non-functioning. When the Shubharthis are at the rehabilitation workshop like Tridal for a few hours a day, it really gives them some respite from their 24x7 job of caregiving. This is the main reason why they are reluctant to volunteer. Secondly, the age of the Shubhankars is another issue which puts lot of restrictions on their taking up anything new or committing themselves for any work. Most of the Shubhankars are 60+. With this background the non-caregiver volunteers are a major help for the cause. They are motivated to be of help for the society and are ready to learn new skills. Most of their family responsibilities are taken care of. They are fresh with energy. These volunteers bring in real enthusiasm and zeal to the group.
Caregivers meeting for the Shubhankars is held on first Saturday
of every month at 4.30pm at Tridal, Saptasopan Parisar, Dharmaveer Nagar, Behind
Dyansadhana College, Near Ganesh Udyan. Opposite Grishma Residency, Thane West.
Any Shubhankar can attend this meeting. No fees are charged for this meeting. Shubhankars’ of
Shubharthis’ under treatment of any other Psychiatrist other than IPH are also welcome for these
meetings. Shubhankars can freely discuss their challenges and issues they face while handling
the Shubharthi.
Trend setters is the support group of high functioning Shubharthis. They all meet at Tridal on Second Saturday of every month at 5pm. High Functioning Shubharthi is the one who is able to focus on career, family life effectively in spite of being under treatment for Schizophrenia and allied disorders.